

A group of commanders in the northern Tianmen led the order in the northern Yubingqi, which was extremely neat. In the future, it should be the Tianmen who listened to his orders the most.

This is the common result of status plus strength plus sweet dates. Tianmen in the east and Tianmen in the west can also find opportunities to come here. In this way, the problem of unified command of these three Tianmen…


The man’s eyes twinkle and his strong clothes outside can’t cover up very well, and his body in brocade has a different temperament from others.

Officer! Lord hong in the cell See Zhou Yi, it seems that Lord Hong’s face has changed and his expression has become timid. "Senior" big fellow positive color way "I didn’t mean any harm. This time, I want to ask…


The man in red is the custodian of the fire spirit door. Xu Jiang has always had a good relationship with the red tiger. It can be said that they have a common hobby

Nanhai Zhenjun said indifferently, "We came here after receiving your message. How is Tiger?" "I haven’t seen him for two days," said the angry sword and dragon slayer. Heavy eyebrows and slightly wrinkled Nanhai Zhenjun mused, "We must find him…


This is the purest violent aesthetics of males.

When the two guys touch each other instantly, they make a muffled sound like an earthquake. At that moment, the feet of both sides of the horse are deeply immersed in the solid floor. The muscles swelled and the veins…


"He didn’t believe that I would let you go, didn’t he? I let him believe that I let you go, or you didn’t want to go?"

"No, no" The man shook his head with ecstasy and excitement. "I’m leaving. I’m leaving." He was filled with despair and collapsed to die. He didn’t want to see his body die, but suddenly something changed and he survived. At…


Although Mu Cha and others are outnumbered, Wu Ming is not afraid of it now, but he can’t resist him at the moment.

Twenty-four days, the old turtle surrounded here. Hong Haier suddenly lost his mind to escape. I killed that guy so well that I went to the Bodhisattva and then found a chance to run back to the Flame Mountain. But…


Betrayal, killing, life and strength are the eternal songs here.

And the abyss is full of all kinds of intelligent life and demons; And the devil is the most controversial master of the abyss! Because they are powerful, cruel and cunning. This is the place where all intelligent creatures are…


Lost it?

This answer drew a surprise from the original Catholics behind Lin Chong. Catholics naturally don’t whisper without literacy, but every god can change gravity with his huge mass just like in a huge star universe. When these doubts and guesses…


There are many doomsday wandering back and forth in the wilderness

That long-cheeked skull will come again sometime. Just because you have 360 thousand merits doesn’t mean you can lose them all Gu Qingshan really faces a choice. Or reserve some merit pages to help the city defend itself. Or directly…


When they retreated, the big iron gate suddenly shook violently, exposing a terrible smell, as if it were trapped by the main force bombarding the iron gate.

Two people flew into a rage color change speed faster. Chapter five hundred and ninety Red-haired monster Everything was unexpected. It will be a great wealth here, and when they enter, they will find that all the treasures have been…