

Xu retreat is a slight smile. "Forget it!"

"Every inch of land is contested!" Yang Huai Zhou Chuan pa stood at attention and shouted out these four words, and all of them immediately understood Xu’s resignation. In fact, it is not just because of this. If it is…


Qing Wei’s head here is jade Qing, five elements of mixed yuan cave, and it’s really Qingyun’s churning, and it’s slowly turning into a chaotic long banner, which is under heavy pressure with the wind, but it’s called reincarnation, and the leader has raised his eyebrows.

"This is really something unusual!" In a flash, when the banners suddenly dance, you will see a number of chaotic firm but gentle waves, which seem to crush the changes of life and death with the heavens and the earth,…



The statue should be shot at by death! Gu Qingshan took a deep breath, crouched slightly and clenched his right fist. The poor flame is full of emptiness and gradually falls to gather his fists. Gu Qingshan gently punched the…


Long Tengyun is the owner of the villa. If he doesn’t want to do it for his birthday, he should do it vigorously and shock the sky.

But now he only invited some prestigious people from Cihang Jianzhai Tianxing Farewell Hospital. What does he want to do? If he doesn’t like excitement, it should be kept low-key so as not to make it known to everyone. But…


"How dare he?" Gao Wu’s eyes stared at him and he didn’t believe anyone dared to attack their brother. Their father was a real government official.

"Shout …" Galway heavily spit out one mouthful smoke to watch the smoke gradually dispersed. He slowly said, "He dares." …… After coming out of the galloping club, Lin Dong returned to the No.3 building of the Tang Provincial Party…


Chapter ninety-six Plan B

Plan b is simple. Since it has been broadcast live before, Lin Chong will naturally think that the more evil thoughts he has about the little red snake, the greater the reaction the little red snake will have. Since the…


"What’s the matter with the room?" Lin momo glanced at the second floor.

Lao Mo poked his head out of the stairs and was embarrassed to explain, "When that thing came out, all the money was left to several lovers. Brother, help me to cushion it first, and I will definitely pay it…


Because Qingwei stands outside Lei Yun and is surrounded by Tianwei, others can faintly see a map of destroying the sky and destroying the ground. From time to time, generate debuts, ending the sword light, crushing the thunder fire and strangling the cloud, and there is no sign of any decline.

Every one can easily hit the fairy and rob the thunder, but it can’t shake the array at all. It is generally obvious that this treasure is so horrible! Yanzhou direction Abandoning the sacred heart, the eyes are cold and…


Grandma asked me if I knew the address of the snake camp. I nodded and said I knew. I told grandma that Chufei had left a note when he left fz city. The note clearly stated the location of the snake camp and had a fixed telephone number.

Grandma smiled and said that the snake camp has always been hidden, but I didn’t expect it to be easy for me to know. I told my grandmother that it was because I yelled at the road and got rewarded….