

However, Wen Tao’s idea can be guessed by others. Wen Tao nodded and said, "Good!"

"Ah …" Ling Xuan listened to her wrong. No, I don’t want to promise people so easily. On the other hand, Yan Lin knows more about Wen Tao than Ling Xuan. Although she hasn’t thought about what Dr. Bai Wen…


"Good. When I get back, I’d better be able to have a few more samples. If the meditation succeeds, let him learn an evil spell and see if he can release magic smoothly." Qin Mu Ye then arranged new requirements.

Magic and magic are related, but if artificial elements is made, he is not clear. Only through experiments can accurate data be obtained. "It was arranged by Mr. Scholar." A reply came from the communication equipment. Qin Mu Ye is…


After all, Falibu is extraordinary, but if it doesn’t continue to strengthen, it will soon be broken by that terrorist force

After a long time, everything finally calmed down temporarily, and things also showed some traces. It just seemed as if the chief officer’s consciousness moved in an instant and then he eased up, but spit out more strange breath and…


Guo Yi reached out and wiped her dirty little face and smiled. "What’s your name, little sister?"

"Grandpa Yaoyao calls me Xiaoyao when he is awake," the little girl said innocently. Guo Yi ran "Nine Changes of Mysterious Fire Tactics" and ignited a fire in his palm to help Xiaoyao warm up and asked, "What about your…


Ying Zhao doesn’t seem to want to hide his identity. After all, Ji Meng has exposed his identity. It doesn’t make sense for him to hide his identity.

"Respect Ying Zhao!" Chu Yi looked at Ying Zhao with a frown. "It turned out that Ying Zhao, the demon god, escaped the lich robbery in the past. You should know better than anyone that the amount of robbery in…


But Changhua is in no hurry.

It’s just like a cat catching consumption, and it’s more thoughtful to tease. This also makes Zhou Yi more sure of speculation in his heart. "Your goal is not that I should be the cave owner, right?" He held his…


When I have boiled the willow water, let Wen Jiubo help me carry the willow water into the bucket to the west bungalow and told me to wash it carefully from head to toe.

In the western bungalow, solar water heater, toilet, etc., there is a lotus object made of wood hanging at the window. I nodded and said, I know. Jiubo walked out of the health room and took the door for me….


When he fought in the south, he was enchanted by the enemy’s witchcraft. Although he was protected by the army array, he was injured in the northern Xinjiang, so he withdrew from the gluttonous army and returned to Qucheng for garrison.

Brother Liu Xuan next to worry, "eldest brother ok? Why don’t you try the star forging technique? " Liu hemp ha ha a smile "cough just make a fuss about joining the south in the unification of Terran this generation…


See the first person in front of the high road, "please also ask Tong Bingyi and I to represent the families in the city who are willing to give up the city."

When these people are out of the city, Fang La and others can guess what these people have come for, and everyone can’t help but look at Chu Yi. Chu Yi’s eyes swept through these people’s eyebrows when riding a…