

"Give them the ugly words first."

Su Wei primly said, "They will soon know the specific details of this attack and make statistics on their family situation, warning them to surrender. If they dare to go back on their word again after Qixing, then we will…


According to the rules of the city of Vozhmara, the children who didn’t attend the bar mitzvah in the city can pick up whoever they want, which is probably a kind of life guarantee given by the consul of the city of Vozhmara to the poor children in the city.

"You don’t want to take your people away from Wazirmala, do you?" Surdak looked at those children squatting in twos and threes in the Taylor tree and asked Andrew around them. Andrew shook his head and said, "I just want…


"What happened to the men in black?"

Xu Ren suddenly remembered those monks in black who had not been killed and could not help but frowned. "Kill" This time, answering Xu Ren’s question is that Zhu Yuqiu has three simple words, but Xu Ren breathed a sigh…


Yin-Ming Dao, however, went directly to Chicheng Sect and Da Chu to stab himself in the heart, and all of them were thrown clean.

"Although we have been infiltrated here, the Guizhen Sword is very spiritual, but it is a pity that it was escaped by inexplicable means." Wonderful music scattered people shake their heads and sigh. It’s scary to think that the sect…


Then I saw a roll of golden scripture emerge, which is the wonderful and strict sutra of Taiyi to save the suffering!

"Qinghua Changle Jie Dong Ji Miao Yan Gong. Qibaofang Qianlin Jiuse Lotus Tower Wanzhen Ring Arch Billion Ruiguang Jade Qing ling Bao Zun ying Hua Xuan yuan The catastrophe hangs over Tzu Chi’s Daqian Ganlu Gate. Miao Dao Zhen Shen…


Plumes of smoke curled up from his feet, and the bottom of the water exuded deep green light and gradually approached the water surface, while the surrounding water surface rolled dry and produced more and more green branches.

"scattered!" "Don’t be silly and leave here as soon as possible!" "Run for the old man!" There are weak-willed people who are naturally interested in Zhiqiang’s adult. It is also extremely uneasy not to say that the green trunk in…


I don’t know how far I flew, but I finally passed through the glacier and Xuefeng, and the scenery in front of me once again appeared green.

Surdak felt that his hands were almost frozen, and it was already visible in the distance. The camp of evil spirits at the mountain pass here in the vast wilderness of Moyunling Highland was gradually clear in his vision. Although…


I saw my grandmother take out a black cloth bag from her pocket and throw the hemp rope at the white tiger inkstone.

Grandma Baihu inkstone suddenly threw the hemp rope at it, and her body suddenly deviated from its original position. I can’t help but be surprised when I see this change of the white tiger inkstone. As soon as my surprised…


Nowadays, there is no country more powerful than the big one, and there is no political force to threaten.

Don’t hide it. Let’s publish everything we have to do and say. The change of the times requires the participation of the people, and he can’t drag the heavy wheel of the times alone. He needs many, many followers to…


Zhou Yixin scolded 1, but it was motionless. A very’ close to the mountain’ instantaneous outbreak hit the little bald head without any warning.

Although Zhouyi can be regarded as a half-practitioner, he has not received strict training for several years like a big Zhou Chi, but he was taught by Master Zhou Shan after all. Who is Zhou Shan? Zhou Shan is the…