Month: June 2024


There are many doomsday wandering back and forth in the wilderness

That long-cheeked skull will come again sometime. Just because you have 360 thousand merits doesn’t mean you can lose them all Gu Qingshan really faces a choice. Or reserve some merit pages to help the city defend itself. Or directly…


Grandma asked me if I knew the address of the snake camp. I nodded and said I knew. I told grandma that Chufei had left a note when he left fz city. The note clearly stated the location of the snake camp and had a fixed telephone number.

Grandma smiled and said that the snake camp has always been hidden, but I didn’t expect it to be easy for me to know. I told my grandmother that it was because I yelled at the road and got rewarded….


Nowadays, there is no country more powerful than the big one, and there is no political force to threaten.

Don’t hide it. Let’s publish everything we have to do and say. The change of the times requires the participation of the people, and he can’t drag the heavy wheel of the times alone. He needs many, many followers to…


When he fought in the south, he was enchanted by the enemy’s witchcraft. Although he was protected by the army array, he was injured in the northern Xinjiang, so he withdrew from the gluttonous army and returned to Qucheng for garrison.

Brother Liu Xuan next to worry, "eldest brother ok? Why don’t you try the star forging technique? " Liu hemp ha ha a smile "cough just make a fuss about joining the south in the unification of Terran this generation…


Zhou Yixin scolded 1, but it was motionless. A very’ close to the mountain’ instantaneous outbreak hit the little bald head without any warning.

Although Zhouyi can be regarded as a half-practitioner, he has not received strict training for several years like a big Zhou Chi, but he was taught by Master Zhou Shan after all. Who is Zhou Shan? Zhou Shan is the…


See the first person in front of the high road, "please also ask Tong Bingyi and I to represent the families in the city who are willing to give up the city."

When these people are out of the city, Fang La and others can guess what these people have come for, and everyone can’t help but look at Chu Yi. Chu Yi’s eyes swept through these people’s eyebrows when riding a…


Zhouyi smiled to answer

Li Yugang didn’t know the identity of Zhouyi. Zhang Xixi suddenly felt something after listening to Li Linglong and Zhouyi. She is a native of Hangzhou and naturally knows Li Linglong and Zhou Fugui. "Isn’t this boy Zhou Fugui son?…


"Shout … shout … too much Tang Lei … Lindong …" At this time, Xu Tianyou’s lungs are almost mad. How do you say that he is also the first wife of Shenzhen and Hong Kong? Xu Guoqiang, his father, is the head of Shenzhen and Hong Kong. They actually see themselves.

Although Tang Lei is said to be a Tang family, he is not a Tang Zhishan. After all, he has always respected him. It is so exasperating that he should not introduce himself when he is so arrogant. Brother Tian…


When they retreated, the big iron gate suddenly shook violently, exposing a terrible smell, as if it were trapped by the main force bombarding the iron gate.

Two people flew into a rage color change speed faster. Chapter five hundred and ninety Red-haired monster Everything was unexpected. It will be a great wealth here, and when they enter, they will find that all the treasures have been…