
Brother gray coughed and interrupted the boy to continue to say

"I’m sorry, my younger brother is young. Don’t take it amiss."
You envy hurriedly motioning with his hand, "No, no, Xiao Gong said it’s right. This magistrate Liang is really not a good thing."
"Does the public also know about this magistrate Liang?"
Jun Jian nodded, "I heard a little!"
"Dare to ask your surname Yang Lin? This is my younger brother Yang."
People in gray volunteered to sign up.
"Little brother Oule, this is my big brother Ou Jin."
Jun Jin’s admiration for Jun suddenly changed the name of two people without saying a word.
Things have developed to a white-hot stage on the old man’s side in the short time since the two signed up.
Although the old man is an old man, many of his children and grandchildren are in their prime of life. They have already been forced by Liang Gong, and their two sons and three grandchildren have rushed forward and fought with Liang Gong.
I asked Xiao Gong, who had been paying attention to the blue clothes over there just now, to know that Liang Gong was impatient and continued to pull it away. He even told Lao Zhang in front of everyone that if the other party didn’t sell the store to him today, he would wait and see his son and grandson go to jail one by one. Then, don’t say that it is a problem whether he can survive or not.
After all, the young guy couldn’t help but quarrel with Liang Gong. In the end, Liang Gong deliberately provoked the development to hands.
"Shit, that old man’s family looks like they’re going to suffer."
When Liang Gong brought many people, it was really a pity that the old man’s family suffered. When he couldn’t help it, a group of catchers hula poured into the shop.
"Who is rioting? Somebody arrest all these troublemakers! "
Since the government has intervened in Jun Xian, it hasn’t stepped in again to see how this follow-up develops. This arresting officer is a yamen, so let them see how this county magistrate leads.
"Thank you for coming to this group of unruly people. It’s too bad. I’m kind enough to hold silver to talk business with them, but they want to hit people. You are all witnesses. Whoever started first can see it. And you see how poor my boy was beaten. Maybe he won’t survive today. I’ll sue them, disregard for human life."
Duke Liang pulled up a page to show each other that the page was black and blue and still vomited blood, which seemed to be badly cleaned up.
"Thank you master wronged this page root is not our play just is young master liang insult old children and grandchildren don’t understand a moment’s anger but didn’t start work but didn’t beat people into this chapter 431 431 to have a baby! I gave birth!
Zhang Laotou rushed to the head of Xie’s arrest and complained that although the situation was a little confusing just now, Master Liang took more people than them, and their roots didn’t take advantage of it. This seriously injured page just missed the other party and obviously framed them on purpose.
"wronged? When I first came in, I saw your children and grandchildren beating people, and now you have all the evidence. How dare you complain? Lao Zhang’s head is at this time, and you are still arguing that someone will arrest the trouble for me. "
Xie, the head catcher, drank a lot, and all the catchers rushed to get people at once.
Suddenly the store was full of crying and yelling.
Just now, the guests in the shop have almost gone clean. Now, except for Jun’s envy of them, this table is left with Liang’s notarized witness. Just now, Liang Gong said that when Lao Zhang started beating people, all the people at that table said that they saw it.
You envy seeing that this catching fast show is that Liang Gong and his gang can’t help but stop her with Jun Jin.
"Don’t rush to follow the plan."
You admire pie pie and are not happy to sit back and watch Lao Zhang’s first family be taken away.
"Look at the sample you are not people, where are you from? Want to come to this Qingyuan county? "
Jun envy talk is that Liang Gong tone is very impolite when it comes to "when does this Qingyuan county make it forbidden for outsiders to associate?" Besides, you’re not a fast-catcher. We don’t need to tell you the story, do we? "
The Liang Gong laughed instead of anger. "Although I am not a catcher, I can instruct the catcher. Do you think I am worse than the catcher? Look at your dress. It’s not ordinary people. Seeing that you are new here and don’t understand the situation, I won’t care about you today, but I tell you that Qingyuan County is the Liang family. I advise you to pay attention to your words every time."
Say, hold your head high and take people away.
"He’s the second brother of the magistrate Liang. He’s crafty in his mind. He’s done a lot of things to frame people. Every time people don’t agree to sell the shop, he has to do it."