

"grid!" Gao Qiao Spring City can’t help but take a step with cold eyes.
"Ge, are you waiting to fight with the old man?" Peng Jian’s foot is also directly facing the side of Gao Qiao Spring City.
Gao Qiao’s foot in Spring City is sluggish. Obviously, he has some scruples about Peng Jian’s talons. Moreover, a group of talents have just arrived here. Everyone is a hand, while the men in black behind Peng Jian have guys in their hands.
With scruples, Gao Qiao Spring City will no longer talk with a hey hey smile and retreat directly to Tian Xiaoen. At this time, Tian Xiaoyi will make a smiling face over there. "Peng Jun, don’t be angry. Gao Qiao Jun is this temper! Although you are injured, Tian Jia will definitely pay for the wealth that satisfies him! "
"It won’t matter if you compensate for the taste. The old man will take this Mr. Gao Qiao’s right eye!" Peng Jian simply stopped pestering Tian Xiaoyi in this matter. "We’d better count and divide as soon as possible, otherwise we’re afraid that big sleep will be bad for me and the cabinet!"
Tian Xiaoyi nodded to the Japanese humanitarian who just led Tian Xiaoen and Gao Qiao Chuncheng and his party. "I’ll give them a dinner when you take Gao Qiao Jun to our residence to have a rest!"
In order to prevent you from paying attention, Tian Xiaoyi leads Japanese people to live in caves. There are many Japanese people in this cave who used to build dormitories and clean up after living. There is no problem at all.
When a storm disappears, everything must calm down.
But only one day, the storm started again! Because I don’t know who released the windy day, the military base is in Baisha Island, so several forces from Taiwan Province immediately came here and came to Baisha Island. Naturally, they noticed that the filming company of the military fortress in once again inquired that this was Kunpeng Film Investment Shadow, and these people went here even more.
At one time, the Japanese abandoned military fortress in Baisha Island was full of campers, who wandered around the periphery of the photo shoot during the day and set up tents to live around it at night. To say that when there were few people, they were polite, and when there were many people, several waves of people could not help but break into the fortress.
However, at that time, Shibata Hiroshi’s mouth had been sealed again, and a shadow set was being set there.
There is a little friction between Jia Peng’s family and donkey kong himself, but no one dares to really turn against him.
In another day, the Yamaguchi group, the Inagawa Association and the people stationed in Kyrgyzstan will come out to catch up. Although the export is guarded by Peng family, how can Tian Xiaoyi rest assured that only China people will be kept outside? Naturally, several Tian family members will be arranged to keep it, but Tian family members can’t send wannabe. How can they also need a middle level?
And the people sent by the middle Yamaguchi group are known.
But when I asked each other in a conversation, I said that I was taking pictures with China people.
The Yamaguchi group, Inagawa society and people stationed in Kyrgyzstan will naturally not believe it, and they will be stationed here. In this way, there are noisy people everywhere, but they also cover Wang Yibing’s surveillance operations. Otherwise, although they are far away, long guns and short guns are monitoring equipment, which will hardly attract the attention of the other party.
One day later, it caught the attention of the government authorities, and officials immediately came to inquire. At this time, Kunpeng film people came forward to clarify that it was the speculation that deliberately released the wind. The theme of this film is a story that happened in a secret base nested in a Japanese fortress
The news came out in an uproar, and as the government personnel entered the inspection, some people backed out, because during the inspection by the government personnel, the whole shooting scene was put outside and everyone went in to see it, and no abnormalities were found.
On the same day, the official website of Kunpeng Film, a major evening paper, also published an apology letter from Kunpeng Film to clarify this film speculation incident. Please forgive me for this time. After receiving the information from Long Han, Xie Cunguan could not help secretly admire Shibata Hiroshi’s introduction of Kunpeng Film. This seemingly inconspicuous move turned out to have such a profound meaning. If he hadn’t gone in and killed Chai Tian Yingjie, Shibata Hiroshi would have to ask Peng’s family for help. Maybe Shibata Hiroshi would have transported the eastern and western parts of the base to Japanese Pengjia in the end, he would have been kept in the dark.
Seeing that there are fewer and fewer people in Baisha Island, Taiwan Province’s Tangkou people have evacuated, but the Nishikako Formation, Inagawa Society and the people stationed in Kyrgyzstan have directly traveled here.
Xie Cunguan wants to fish in troubled waters and sit quietly at this time, which is naturally impossible.
"It seems that I have to do something hard!" Wang Yibing frowned with a newspaper in his hand.
"While those people haven’t finished withdrawing today, we will kill them once! Dead people see how they can hide it! " Chen Hubiao said that his shoulder was still wrapped in gauze. Although the wound had healed, it was still not intact, but after fighting that night, his most urgent thing was to avenge his comrades.
Xie Cunguan didn’t speak but looked at Liangshan.
Because when it comes to fighting with cold weapons, you still have to rely on Kang Shunfeng’s support. It is said that the fighting ability of fierce knives and mercenaries is not weak, but everyone doesn’t like other weapons after they are used to the army stab. But to be honest, the army stab is strong in lethality, but after all, it is a short blade, and there are always some disadvantages. After all, it is no problem to fight one-on-one with a short blade, but the physical consumption of many people is still much greater, and the combat effectiveness naturally declines with physical strength.
Decreasing combat effectiveness means increasing the possibility of casualties.
And long soldiers to long soldiers is not such a problem. You need skills to kill first. You don’t need two or two efforts to kill Peng Xiongbi. Officer Xie Cun has realized that Kang Shunfeng has supported several people who are cold soldiers.
Liang Shanying thank inch officer eyes smiled "you arrange it directly! Now that we’re here, we’re definitely not backing down. The truth is killing Japanese people! In those days, tens of thousands of Shanjun crusades were piled up in Zhongtiaoshan. This is a national enemy, not a domestic enemy … "
Xie Cun officer looked to one side, sheep baby, mule and Chen Lu, Li Dao, and several people didn’t have any words. He looked at him quietly, and Xie Cun officer finally gritted his teeth. "Then today, we will make him fight against each other!" Brother Wang, you take four men with a four-shot light sniper and ambush there first. We will cover each other and kill them first if they have guns! If you don’t have a gun, take care of us and try not to let anyone get hurt! Liang Shanxiong and I must find the entrance to the base and let those who haven’t left outside take a look at the issue … We should not only kill this World War I, but also insist on the duration … We need to take care of each other … Of course, when we kill outside, we can take care of it lightly, but when we get to the cave, we will be careful ourselves … Mocky will install video settings for everyone and shoot all the scenes in the cave and send them to all forces! Everyone wears a cut-proof mask. Don’t be afraid of trouble … "
A few people to be continued.
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In 216, martial arts was fierce because of your attention!
Chapter III Sharpen one’s knife and snap one’s hair.
While Xie Cunguan and others were actively preparing for the war, the Peng family in the Japanese cave were facing each other at daggers drawn, because Shibata Hiroshi left Taiwan Province and disappeared.
What makes Tian Jia brothers and Gao Qiao Spring City even more angry is that Lin Han came back with an agreement signed by Shibata Hiroshi and Peng Jia. In the agreement, Shibata Hiroshi, as the person in charge of this operation, asked Peng Jia to help the Japanese people. Therefore, all the wealth in the base was divided into three parts, and Tian Jia, Shibata Hiroshi and Peng Jia each got one third.
And Shibata Hiroshi transferred one-third of Chai Tian’s family to half of Peng’s family and let Peng’s family discount his share by fifteen percent.
According to the rough statistics, the number of Rao is Peng Huan, who has been so calm and self-cultivation. The Jianghu can’t sit still. After bargaining with Shibata Hiroshi, he immediately transferred the cash flow of Peng family to mortgage some real estate to the bank before paying Shibata Hiroshi’s sincerity. About half of the money is paid, and the remaining 10% will be paid after things are transported into Peng’s family for processing.