
"Which class are you in?" Li Haoxin move horse asked.

"I’m in Class 3, Grade 3"
The girl casually said, "You are really Zhou Yi’s younger brother. I don’t like you two at all. You can’t be lying to me."
"I’m really the younger brother of Zhouyi. Why don’t I take you to talk with my brother after my brother finishes playing those guys to confirm whether I’m lying?" Li Hao said hastily.
"Let’s talk about it later," said the girl.
"Then what’s your name?" Li Hao then says
"Zhou Yi hit someone, don’t bother me," the girl replied.
When Li Hao was talking to the handsome and lovely girl, Zhouyi and Xiao Qiang and others still confronted each other, but Xiao Qiang and other six or seven people surrounded Zhouyi and did not dare to attack.
"What a bunch of losers."
Zhang Wei whispered a little. He didn’t think that these classes were so bad that he was cowed by Zhouyi.
"If you want to fight, attack me like a man. If you don’t fight, I have to go." Zhou Yi said coldly that he didn’t intend to play with Xiao Qiang, a few little rubbish, for a long time.
"These guys are really paper tigers. Seven people were frightened by Zhouyi alone."
"There is no way to come to Wei Zhang and take Zhouyi."
Xiao Qiang and others are still hesitating, and the onlookers are talking more and more because everyone is out, and they are afraid.
"Xiao Qiang, give me a tough thug. I want to hit Zhouyi. If you dare not hand it, don’t blame me for disowning people. If you can’t do it, my brother is my enemy."
Wei Zhang heard the public talk and was afraid of losing his face. He stared at Xiao Qiang and said that he forced Xiao Qiang and others to make moves. Because he didn’t go back to school until today, he needed to take Zhouyi Liwei. If he couldn’t clean up Zhouyi today, his school hope and status would plummet even more.
"Brothers fight"
Xiao Qiang yelled at Zhouyi again and again. At this time, he had no choice because he knew that the consequences of Wei Zhang’s anger were very serious. After the Wei Zhang brothers were enemies of Wei Zhang, he not only mixed up with schools, but also estimated that the whole of Hangzhou and even Zhejiang would be mixed up.
Xiao Qiang took the lead, and several of them rushed to Zhouyi together. There was still a little hope in their hearts that men were hard to beat, and they wanted to beat Zhouyi to find their own face.
However, it was soon proved that Xiao Qiang and others were wrong before they moved Zhouyi, but the speed of Zhouyi was much faster than theirs. They saw the figure in front of them flash their shoulders, punched them and then fell backwards directly.
Of course, this is Zhouyi’s left hand. If Zhouyi doesn’t leave his hand, these punches will kill them.
Xiao Qiang and other six people fell to the ground and Zhouyi patted his sleeve smartly. "I warned you that you asked for it."
Then Zhouyi turned and walked to his Ferrari.
This time Wei Zhang didn’t stop Zhouyi because he knew that even his own moves could not stop him.
Wei Zhang’s hand became a fist, but his face was livid and he didn’t send a word. Today, he was going to teach Zhouyi a lesson. He didn’t expect his hand to be taught by Zhouyi again, which made him lose face in front of everyone.
"It’s time to go home after Li Haoge’s fight," Zhou Yichao waved to Li Hao.
"It’s really your brother. Wow, your brother is awesome."
Li Hao comely little girl waved to Zhouyi and said with some surprise.
"Of course, do you want to talk to my brother?" Li Hao hurriedly said. "My brother called me home. If you want to talk to my brother, come with me.
The comely little girl nodded slightly and then walked with Li Hao to Zhouyi Ferrari.
"Hello, Brother Zhouyi"
Handsome little girl walked beside Zhouyi held out his hand and said generously