
The people around me looked at all this and talked about all the strange things. They said it was very lively. I saw this little Pei Gong dead before, but now it’s okay.

Mrs Pei is ecstatic, hugging Pei Huan and crying.
"Huaner, it’s great that you’re okay. You really scared your mother to death. Don’t scare her like this again."
Mrs Pei cried, and Pei Huan cried, and the two of them cried into a ball.
Su Wan looked at them and slowly lifted their eyes toward the crowd. Su Yao looked at the past. At this moment, Su Yao was as pale as a blow, and she couldn’t help shaking. If it wasn’t for the girl holding her, she would have collapsed. How could this Pei Huan be damned? If he died, Su Wan couldn’t explain it, but now Pei Huan isn’t dead. How could he not die? How could he not die?
Su Yao collapsed and yelled in his head.
When princess royal saw all this, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. I wish Pei Huan was okay.
Ye Ting Ye Xiao Hou Ye also breathed a sigh of relief and looked good, but he would never let go of anyone who dared to touch Pei Huan in Anping Hou Fu.
Ye Ting walked over and gently advised Mrs. Pei until Mrs. Pei stopped crying. Ye Ting looked at her little cousin and asked seriously, "Huaner, how did you fall into the lake?"
Pei Huan was concerned and said, "I think the lotus by the lake is so beautiful that I want to pinch one for my mother."
"Did you fall into the lake by yourself?"
When Ye Ting asked this question, Su Yao suddenly rose in his heart and hoped that God would bless Pei Huan and Pei Huan for amnesia.
"No, I was pinching a lotus, and then a sister came to talk to me. She said to pinch a lotus for me, but she didn’t help me pinch her and pushed me into the river."
Pei Huan said Ye Ting pointed to one side of Su Wan and said, "Is she going to help you pinch the lotus?"
Pei Huan looked and shook his head. "I don’t know her if it’s not her."
Ye Tingsong breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, he really didn’t want to deal with Sue’s big lady. She was Xiao Huang and Xiao Qing. He didn’t want to have a conflict with them. But if Su Wan really did something sorry to Pei Huan, he had to punish her, but now it’s not her. Everything is easy.
Ye Tingwang said to Pei Huan, "Do you look at the man who said he would help you pinch the lotus and then push you into the lake?"
Pei Huan looked around, his eyes just moved to Su Yao’s place, and Su Yao couldn’t bear the fear in his heart. He knelt down to the ground and waved and screamed, "It’s not me, it’s not me, I didn’t do anything."
Pei Huan’s words sounded crisp. "She pushed me."
The crowd slammed and everyone looked at Su Yao and said everything.
At this time, many elite people have seen the doorway. Today, this root is either the throats in Anguohou’s mansion or Miss Su Yao’s attempt to punish her silly sister. However, more elite people have thought about how an ordinary girl like Miss Su Wu has the courage to do this and how she can appear in such an occasion today. This point is being used as a gun.
Many people in the crowd looked at the princess of Guangyang, who had always heard that Mrs. Anguohou was virtuous and generous. Now it seems that it is really not good, but it is just a higher means.
Princess royal’s face is very ugly. She has been immersed in the palace for many years and lived in Anping Houfu for most of her life. princess royal will know what happened today when she sees it. Her eyes are overcast and she looks at Guangyang infanta. If it is not because this woman grew up beside the Queen Mother, she will immediately let her go, but Anping Houfu does not welcome this woman.
Big princess royal looked at Su Yao directly after a cold hum. "Somebody pull this bitch who dares to murder Pei Xiaogong’s life to slap her hand and interrupt the other 20 boards."
Such a call to Su Yao is almost the same even if it doesn’t die. Everyone scolds me coldly. If you deserve it, I don’t know what to do. Anping Houfu dares to do such a thing. It’s a death wish.
Anping Houfu guards flicker and go straight to Su Yao’s front. Su Yao is a little sleepy, but at this time she also knows to ask for help. "Mother saved me. I dare not do it again."
"I won’t dare again after my second sister saved me."
Guangyang infanta glared at her angrily. There are more things to do than to hurt.
Besides, even if she wanted to give her a big affection, princess royal wouldn’t give her face. Now even she is annoyed.
Guangyang infanta was very annoyed without saying anything, but Su Yao had already been taken away.
Here, Mrs. Pei was lifted up and pulled Peihuan all the way. After a few steps, Mrs. Pei remembered something and came over to Su Wan’s dignified Zhuang and made a big gift.
If it weren’t for Miss Su’s family, Huaner would never come back. Although it was their fight, she really saved her Huaner’s life.
Pei Huan also waved at Su Wan, "Goodbye, big sister, Huaner, I’ll see you later."
Sue wan chuckled, and the crowd scattered around her. princess royal took a deep look at Sue wan and thought highly of this girl for a few minutes, but princess royal didn’t say much to greet people.
Ye Ting also led people to come and thank Su Wan. "Thank you, Miss Su, today."
It’s a pity that Ye Xiaohou felt sorry for Su Wan in his heart.
Su Wan smiled and shook his head. Ye Ting greeted people and gave Su Wan a deep look at Xiao Huang. He didn’t say much. He had work to do. All the people left.
Hui Wang Xiao Qing fell behind. He motioned for someone to push him over until Su Wan. He looked at Su Wan for a long time and said nothing. Su Wan couldn’t help saying, "What’s the matter? Big brother "
"Wan Wan sometimes I really doubt that you are a good girl and very clever."
When he finished, he said nothing more and told the guards behind him to push him away from Su Wan. Xiao Qing saw that her silver needle had pierced the Pei Huan acupoint. After everyone died, she took out the silver needle and asked Pei Huan to testify against Su Yao. What she did was that Su Yao’s punishment would never be light after princess royal and Mrs. Pei were sad and angry. On the contrary, princess royal and Mrs. Pei would be so big if they looked at Anguohou’s residence. Maybe they would punish Su Yao lightly.
She has absolutely no reason to make her feel better about those who dare to frame themselves.
Sue wan sneer at pupil eyes a dark light.
However, she thought of an important thing, that she should get better as soon as possible. Today, she narrowly revealed a flaw. So Xiao Qing still had some doubts. Today, Xiao Huang did not think deeply that if he deeply thought about it, he might not find anything and Yan Ge.
Su Wan looked behind her, Yan Ge Yan Ge looked calm, but her dark eyes were as dark as an abyss, making people unable to see what she was thinking.
Sue wan was thinking about abrupt footsteps sounded in front, and someone rushed over eagerly. The bearer turned out to be Yunluo, who had previously found Su Meng Snow House and Yunluo to find someone separately.
Yunluo shouted at the sight of Su Wan. "Miss, I found Miss Ying Xue. Miss Ying Xue was bullied to death by them, and one by one."
Cloud rose ran to the front of Su Wan, bent over and panting. Su Wan couldn’t help worrying and ran over to drag her and asked, "What’s the matter? What happened? "
"Jing Wang Shi said that his Yu Pei had disappeared and been stolen, and then Ye Xiaohou asked people to search people who were close to him. Finally, he found out from Miss Ying Xue that Yu Pei is now Jing Wang Shi said that Miss Ying Xue stole his Yu Pei?"
Su Wan’s face changed, and his fingers could not help but hold it up. Xiao Huang, he ruined Su Ying’s snow. Is it not enough to have a second move? He really went too far.