
Before she left, she blew a sigh in Chen Senran’s ear with extreme ambiguity and told him that she could come to see her at any time. She was in the call girl pub on the west side.

Chen Senran didn’t respond to this.
He doesn’t want to get involved in this muddy water.
Or not yet.
The ship became swinging, leaving Chen Senran and unable to find out the situation around him quickly. The little fisherman Fitz was at the bow.
"Wow, Jack, where are we going now?" Fishman Fitz leng for a long time before he scratched his messy hair and asked
In the past few days, the pirates of the Ghost Deep ignored Fitz and Chen Senran was willing to talk to it.
Plus Chen Senran deliberately talked to it, and they have become very good friends.
"I don’t know if you know that it’s my first time here. I know nothing about it." Chen Senran felt the exceptionally warm sunshine today and breathed a sigh of relief. "Why don’t you show me around?"
"Yes, I’ve been here for a while, and I know many interesting places. I’ll take you there later." The little fisherman jumped up with his trident in some excitement and jumped off the deck of the Mingyuan.
"Come on!" It greeted me.
"Good horse is coming" Chen Senran said here and consciously glanced at the direction of the master room.
He knows that Planck hasn’t left yet. In recent days, he has hardly come out of the captain’s room. He has been silent about what happened on the ship recently.
Like being neutral
What the hell is he doing?
Long after Chen Senran and the fisherman Fitz left, the thin proto ran back to the Ghost Deep in a hurry. He came to the captain’s cabin and knocked on the closed door.
He knows the captain’s habit … He knows that the captain will stay behind closed doors in the captain’s cabin these days every month.
In private, some crew members have also talked about whether the captain has any hidden diseases that need to hide in the house these days and not see the sun.
But then, with the sudden death of the crew member and Planck’s daily work, no one dared to talk about it again.
This matter has become a taboo, and everyone dare not say that it is best not to disturb the captain in these days, even if it is important, remember to knock on the door, otherwise you will go to the sea to feed sharks like some unlucky guy who rashly pushed the door in.
Proto was careful not to get too close at the door. He might hear something he shouldn’t listen to.
"Come in" Planck sound came out from the closed door, slightly … weak.
"It’s the captain". proto didn’t push the door immediately, but only after confirming it for a while.
Seeing Planck sitting in the captain’s chair, a good demasia white candle lit in front of him and reflected his face. The oil paintings of the three former captains behind him had a gloomy feeling in the whole slightly dim cabin.
"Close the door" Planck’s face is extremely stiff and rigid, which gives proto a very uncomfortable mechanical feeling
That mechanical feeling reminds proto of the face of the dead.
"Yes," proto swallowed and answered such a word. He even forgot to say those smooth words that are flattering in everyday life.
Planck felt so depressed today that he wanted to escape from the cabin at once.
But he can’t. He can barely walk up to Planck and lower his head slightly.
He was a little afraid to look at Planck’s face.
A pair of more let him uneasy than to sharp evil … hole.
"Are you afraid of me?" Planck spoke again, this time with a stiff hole in his tone.
"I … I’m more in awe of you than …" proto suppressed his throat thirst and almost said an incomplete sentence.
"What happened recently?" Planck did not continue one question and turned to another topic.
"It’s recently …" proto quickly searched his mind and just got some latest news.
Although Planck has been in the sea recently, he still left a left-behind organization in Birgewater to manage some other industries and receive the latest information.
Proto is the person who is responsible for collecting information every time he returns.
This shows that he is also a confidant to Planck.
"Recently, there have been many foreigners in the city." proto finally remembered something and organized the language.
Although Bill Givot is not actually a city-state concept in all the official recognition of Valoran, it is an out-and-out big city and even a small country in terms of its scale and local people’s own ideas.
"When are there no outsiders in Bill Giwater?" Planck asked, but the mood did not change, but it was even more empty.
"Is it true that those foreigners are very strange? They come from somewhere else in the War College, Knox Sass, not to do business or have fun. They are looking for someone." proto quickly added, "Although they are very secretive, we still know that they seem to be in opposition to each other, and they are extremely reluctant to let each other know that they are looking for this person."
"What person?" Planck’s straight theme
"I don’t know … seems to be a very famous guy in Valoran some time ago. What is the flame tyrant Chen Senran?" proto frowned and sorted out the information and forgot Planck’s coercion at the moment.
"The flame tyrant Chen Senran single-handedly destroyed a city. That guy seems to have disappeared a few months ago," Planck said to himself. "When?"
"Two months ago," proto immediately responded.
"That’s not it," Planck said suddenly.
Then it’s not.
Not what?
Proto paused for a moment and then immediately understood the meaning of this sentence, so it was not blind Jack.
That guy was fished out of the sea only a few days ago.
If I had fallen into the sea a few months ago, I would have been soaked into powder.
"What else?" Planck kept it moving in candlelight like a sculpture.
"And … Ionia, someone has come to the island again. They seem to want to talk about alliance again." proto was once again forced to lower his head by Planck’s rigidity.
He always felt that there was a rotten smell in the cabin today
"Yeah, I know. Go." Planck finally moved a little. Have fun.
"It’s … it’s …" proto was almost sitting on the ground by Planck’s last sentence.