
Just when everyone was at a loss, the words at the conference table rang.

In the face of this sudden words, everyone was stunned, and the oldest middle-aged man quickly picked up the words "Hello, who are you?"
"…" There came a response.
When the middle-aged man heard the words, the baritone expression stayed and immediately smiled eagerly. "Oh, it turns out that you are old! What can I do for you? "
"ah? You also know about this? " The middle-aged man was very surprised.
"Oh, oh, I see. I can assure you that we will try our best."
"Good-bye, I’ll get back to you if I have something to say." The middle-aged man put the words out slowly after finishing.
"Who is talking?" The beautiful woman asked curiously
The middle-aged man looked at the crowd and said with a wry smile, "It’s that old gentleman."
Hearing this, everyone was shocked.
The young man stammered, "What does that one want with you?"
"Not for me, but for us!" Middle-aged man seriously said
Everyone is a beautiful woman who is puzzled and asks, "What can I do for that one?"
The middle-aged man sat back in his position and sighed and said, "That one asked us to minimize the punishment for Chengkeda University and must not let them lose this year’s qualification."
They were all startled because’ that old gentleman actually named to help Chengkeda! That one big man who can make the whole chinese basketball association tremble with one foot stamping will help HKUST!
"DuDu ~ ~ ~" Just when everyone was still in a state of shock, the words rang again.
The middle-aged man paused and picked up the words "Hello, who are you looking for?"
"Hello, I’m Liu Tianlong" came with a young and steady voice.
The middle-aged man just had a flat hole and showed a look of extreme shock. Because the name Liu Tianlong is loud, it can be said that people in China are unknown. Because he is the top ten richest men in China, the top ten richest men in the world and a grand duke! Moreover, Liu Tianlong, who is 2 years old, is definitely not a dude. It can be said that the whole Tianlong enterprise can develop from a little-known company to a huge international enterprise in just three years because of Liu Tianlong’s ability!
The middle-aged man swallowed saliva and pressed his beating heart and said, "Excuse me, who are you, Liu Tianlong?"
In the face of this problem, the man at the other end said calmly, "I am Liu Tianlong of Tianlong Enterprise."
Get the answer in your heart. The middle-aged man’s heart is racing again and his head is sweating. "What can I do for you?"
"Well, I already know about the Chengdu University of Science and Technology basketball team. I hope you can try your best to reduce the punishment for Chengdu University of Science and Technology! Of course, I won’t let you suffer! I will donate RMB 10,000 to the CUBA Basketball Association to make the CUBA League better and better. I hope you can help me with this little favor. "
"How much did you say?" The middle-aged man’s voice has become very shaky. Even after living for half a generation, he has never heard of anyone who will take out 10 thousand for a CUBA basketball team!
"oh? Think it’s not enough? Then I’ll have an extra 50 thousand. How about 150 thousand? "
"150 thousand? ? ?” The middle-aged man exclaimed.
"Is it not enough? That’s 20 thousand. "
"20 thousand? ? ? ?” The middle-aged man gasped.
"Still too few? Then the price is 30 thousand! Willing? "
"Yes!" Middle-aged men can answer correctly and then he just came to his senses-it seems that their Sichuan Basketball Association has an extra 30,000 RMB working capital!
The other person said with satisfaction, "Well, it’s a deal. I hope you won’t let me down. In the afternoon, I will remit 30,000 yuan to the Sichuan Basketball Association for good bye …" The other person said the words.
The middle-aged man spoke blankly and leaned back in the chair with great strength. He didn’t know what magic power HKUST had to let these two important people help them! Maybe he’ll never get a chance to know.
On the top floor of a five-story high-rise building in Chengdu, Liu Tianlong slowly pressed several numbers of his mobile phone to contact the person he wanted to find. "I have done what you asked me to do, and your promise to me should be fulfilled, right?"
Liu Yang, on the other side of the playground, was silent for a while and said, "I’ll promise if I’m white. Don’t worry, brother …" Liu Yang seemed to have a hard time saying the last two words.
Liu Tianlong didn’t care about Liu Yang’s tone and said lightly, "Well, I’ll pick you up after the Basketball Association announces things." Then he got off the phone.
Liu Yang remained motionless and obedient, with complicated emotions flashing in her eyes for a long time. Liu Yang put away her mobile phone and looked at Chengkeda. Everything seemed to lose them soon …
Chapter 59 Penalty amount
At noon the next day, I waited for the Basketball Association’s criticism of Chengkeda and Decheng Medical University to finally reach …
"bang!" The door of the dormitory was pushed at the door, and Liu Yanlei and Cheng Shifei gasped constantly. They seemed to have run a long way out of breath, but all this still could not hide the ecstatic smile on their faces.
Ceng Feiyang act quickly before asking "? How did the Basketball Association punish us? "
Everyone in this room is listening and waiting for the answer, including Liu Yang, who has quit the team. In the past two days, Liu Yang can say that he has completely isolated himself and is always cold to people. Even Zeng Feiyang and others are indifferent to his heart. What he said in Liu Yang for two days is probably less than one sentence!
If other people are very dissatisfied with his attitude, if Li Leiqi and Zeng Feiyang were not holding up, the other players would probably have hit Liu Yang.
Hearing Zeng Feiyang’s question, Cheng Shifei looked up and smiled at all, then stretched out his right middle finger and forefinger and drew a V gesture.
Seeing this gesture, everyone was surprised and cheered because they knew what this gesture meant.
Zeng Feiyang asked with ecstasy, "The Basketball Association really won’t cancel our qualification this time?"
Liu Yanlei nodded and said, "Yes! They didn’t disqualify us. "
Cheng Shifei said, "Moreover, the Basketball Association also deprived Decheng Medical University of participating in the CUBA competition, and the Basketball Association has reached a confirmation that they will never be allowed to participate in the CUBA competition if they don’t change their current style of play! And a game also determines our victory! "
Everyone cheered once again when they were one leng. It was really gratifying for Decheng Medical University to be punished by this punishment!
When everyone was caught in a limited surprise, the only thing that kept awake was Zeng Feiyang’s mouth. "What kind of punishment did the Basketball Association give us?" Can’t there be no punishment? "
Hearing Zeng Feiyang’s question, everyone gathered up their joy and waited for the answer with trepidation.
Liu Yanlei and Cheng Shifei’s ecstatic laughter has turned into a wry smile. Cheng Shifei sighed and said, "Hey, the punishment is to ban and fine Liu Yanlei and Feng Zhang for fighting. Feng Zhang was the first fighter, so he was punished with three fines and seven bans. That is to say, even if we kept winning, he could not participate in the regional qualifiers until he entered the national competition, while Yan Lei and I were punished with two fines and five bans. We could not participate in the regional quarter-finals again."
After getting this answer, everyone in the venue fell silent. Because of this punishment, it can be said that the overall strength of Chengkeda has slipped a lot. The suspension of Feng Zhang not only made Chengkeda lose a basketball defense expert, but also made the number of players lost in the main lineup reach three! (Yang Tian was injured and Liu Yang left the team) But Cheng Shifei and Liu Yanlei couldn’t participate in the competition, which means that the depth of the bench of Chengke University has dropped a lot! In this case, it’s hard to guess what Chengke University will be like in the future …
At this time, Zeng Feiyang clapped his hands to show confidence and smiled and said, "Don’t worry, even though we lost several main players, other players are still alive!" I believe that if we work hard, we will be able to keep our unbeaten record because we are … "
Everyone shook their spirits and blurted out, "Dream!" After saying this, everyone couldn’t help but burst out laughing. When you say nothing …