
Bai Zhong hesitated a heroic dry cloud and said, "It is also exciting to be able to fight side by side with you today."

Chapter seventy The seven stars get together
Welcome you to come.
The White Center is also plotting to let Feng Yang follow him, so half of the entry marks will flow into his pocket.
"Oh, yes," said Feng Yang, who was walking behind Bai Zhong, suddenly seemed to think of something. "Before coming, Wu Hua said that a friend of his gave him a Huang Jie advanced Wushu, and the power was quite good. You must have given it to him."
In the White Center, he always imagined that Fengyang’s entry signs would flow into his pocket. He didn’t expect Fengyang to suddenly ask this question, which made him look stunned.
However, he was quick to think that his intention today is to plot against the wind and rob him of his entry marks, and his identity will be exposed. It’s nothing to fool now, and then he laughed. "Yeah, that guy always likes to exploit me."
"Ha ha he is such a person" looking at the white back wind Yang corners of the mouth suddenly raise a little smile and turned to the side XiYu made an expression of eyes.
Xi Yu received Feng Yang’s eyes and immediately got the message. Without hesitation, his arms suddenly waved a graceful trajectory. As her arm stopped,’ Yuan Teng Tie’ had been put to good use.
Before walking, Bai Zhong suddenly felt that his legs were tied tightly by something and quickly stabilized himself.
When Xi Yu cast Yuan Teng binding, Feng Yang quickly untied the back-bound giant sword. Yuan Teng binding caught Bai Zhong’s legs. At that moment, Feng Yang raised the giant sword in his hand and quickly smashed it toward Bai Zhong.
The strength reached a martial arts division, and Bai Zhong was not a junior. At that moment, he realized that the situation had changed and he didn’t want to quickly break away from Yuan Teng’s bound body and suddenly dodged to one side.
Almost in the blink of an eye, the wind raised the sword and missed wiping his body and hitting the ground hard.
"Bang" a big ring ground suddenly burst by a giant sword.
Bai Zhong hurriedly dodged and evacuated from Fengyang for two zhangs, so he asked, "Fengyang, what do you mean?"
"Fuck you! Do you really think I’m an idiot?" The wind roared and smashed the sword, mocking and staring at Bai Zhongdao. "Wu Huagen didn’t tell me that a friend had sent him Wushu, but you didn’t deny it."
"It seems that I still underestimate you." Seeing that my identity was discovered, Bai Zhong did not hide it again. "How did you guess?"
"You are in a hurry for a while. Let me tell you that it doesn’t matter if they stay here. See me assign the entry sign to them and say that you are really greedy to let them leave here with you." Feng Yang shook his head and laughed with disdain.
"Ha ha, even if you find out, so what?" Bai Zhong disdained looking at Feng Yang and suddenly shouted, "Brothers, come here quickly when the prey comes."
Those helpers must be a little distance from here by shouting so loudly.’ Listening to Bai Zhong’s screaming at the throat, the wind blows and the mind turns. At the first moment, I guess that the real situation will soon stop, and when the waves stop, I raise my huge sword and rush toward Bai Zhong.
Although Bai Zhong’s strength has reached the level of a martial artist, it is only around three fighters in the wind, but it is learned that many masters in Feiyun Mountain have been killed because of underestimating their enemy in the past two days, and Bai Zhong has not underestimated his enemy.
When the arm shook, a cold dagger appeared in the white hand, and with vigorous posture, he swam around Fengyang constantly in an attempt to find a breakthrough and give Fengyang a heavy blow.
However, the attack range of Feng Yang’s sword is also extremely wide, which makes it difficult for Bai Zhong to get close to each other for a while. Next to it, there is another Xi Yu, who constantly displays the "Yuan Teng Tie" from the dialogue. Bai Zhong has to play a twenty-four point spirit to resist the attack of Feng Yang’s sword and prevent his feet from "Yuan Teng Tie".
Struggling for a long time, the wind is rising, but there is no way to take it. If there is not Xi Yu’s cast of yuan rattan and help from the side, even the wind is rising.
Hear white shout others have dashed up at this time has rushed to the side quickly surrounded by the wind Yang and others.
In the battle, Feng Yang quickly glanced at about thirteen people.
"To just solve you together can go back." Feng Yang is also heroic and whistling. At the same time, the giant sword in his hand will force a few steps back in the white and then turn around and kill those accomplices.
"Hum, your opponent is me." The speed in white is also very fast, and it took only two or three steps to chase him. The cold light shining dagger in his hand stabbed the wind like a sharp flash, and at the same time, his mouth sank and shouted, "Others gave me those four women first."
In the face of the cold in the white, the fierce offensive wind can quickly change tactics and constantly dodge.
After receiving the command from Bai Zhong, others were not idle. They immediately rushed at Downing and others like bulls who ate expired aphrodisiacs.
Tang Ning, as always, displayed a "wall armor". Xi Yu relied on Yuan Teng’s binding and good palm strength to cooperate with each other. Liu Man relied on fists and palms to resist the siege of several people.
These thirteen people are all from two samurai to five samurai, and one of them is armed.