
However, these two people were hungry from the morning after tomorrow, and their eyesight was very clear. They saw the faint water and yellow and white things left on the bench. They guessed what it was. Before the morning, they regretted sitting there on time every day and decided not to sit there again after today. Anyway, there is not a second sai-jo who wants to grab a seat. Give him a feeling! I wonder what Liu Sihai would think if Si Liu Haiyuan was afraid of him in the morning and gave up the opportunity to see a beautiful woman, but knew that this was the reason?

Chapter seventy-seven In Yang Town Yin
Chapter seventy-seven In Yang Town Yin
"When … when …" The church near the park came to a sweet order. Zhong Tianchen knew that midnight had arrived. At this time, Yin and Yang alternated, but it was the best opportunity to observe the pulse movement!
At this time, the moonlight seems to have covered her face and hid in the dark clouds.
It’s getting dark, and you can vaguely hear a pair of mandarin ducks gasping in the distance, but there are days when the ears are so weak.
For the first time in the morning, the triple spirit at the pulse saw this blink of an eye.
When the last clock in the distance falls in the "eye" of the morning, the Central Plains is orderly, and the surrounding world exchanges and absorbs the aura of heaven and earth. The small spirit pulse suddenly becomes a breath, just like a football that is abruptly bound and stops at half time, which makes people feel strange.
Although it was a short moment, it became clearer for the triple eyes to look at everything than for the triple eyes to see the situation in the morning, but it was that moment that the original was slowly absorbing the yang spirit pulse and suddenly released a large share of extreme yin, like a horror in the forest of ghosts.
But it’s very strange that others found that this release was extremely yin, and I’m afraid it would have been ignored if it hadn’t been for this strange triple eye in the morning! Morning, I carefully searched my brain for the knowledge of the clan, and finally found this phenomenon in a corner, but it was caused by a special array!
This array has a simple name, "Changing Yang to Town Yin". Although the name is not very good, the mystery is profound and extremely rare. This array often has some dead bodies, such as the death of more than 10,000 people in the battlefield, and most of them must be killed unjustly, and the number of dead people alone is extremely shocking. What’s more, it is beyond the comparison of ordinary battlefields!
The most important thing is that this place must have a spiritual pulse. Those souls who died unjustly and died in excess of 10,000 and were nourished by the spiritual pulse will turn into yin and cold. When people enter, this Shaqi alone will have to be killed. Even if the skill is as high as the Xuan level, they will become ghosts, kings and ghosts will be spectres, so they will have to stay away and deal with it!
Therefore, the ancient sages avoided the spectre and harm from some of them, and evolved the simple array of this name "Changing Yang and Town Yin" from some arrays, which led to the suppression of tens of millions of powerful arrays in Kiev!
And array method should not only * absorb the spirit pulse to maintain more daily absorption, but also suppress the ghost body during the day, and then release the ghost yin after midnight. This will not only suppress these powerful spectres and ghosts, but also kill the ghost yin every day, and release the ghost yin like bloodletting after midnight, so that these vicious spectres will be killed day after day.
In these, a number of yin qi are released, and because of the absorption of yang qi by day, after the array conversion, there is no yin cold characteristic and it becomes a very common aura to dissipate in heaven and earth!
However, because it is the basis of the spirit pulse and the spirit pulse must exchange reiki between heaven and earth, the array method must also be set up to allow the spirit pulse to communicate with heaven and earth. At present, this small spirit pulse will automatically play another array method at 6 o’clock every day when the yin is exhausted, so that the spirit pulse can communicate with heaven and earth to maintain the spirit pulse reiki constantly.
Knowing that these days, my heart is also a bit confusing. In the end, it is said that the super spirit array, even if the Imperial God Sect happens to have this information, enables the morning to crack this array. The reason is that this array is too dangerous. Who knows how many ghosts and spectres have been suppressed? How many cows are still alive? It would be great if a few cows were released and the super ghost king was the ghost emperor!
"Change Yang Town Yin Array" That’s less suppression than the law. Be careful to study the mystery of the law every morning. Although Yu Shenzong just has this information, seeing the truth, he hasn’t completely figured out the reality of the law, and he’s not ready to solve it the day before yesterday.
"I underestimated this spiritual pulse before, but I didn’t expect there to be such a spiritual array!" It’s no wonder that I didn’t find this law before, because this law was completely combined with the pulse except at midnight. Even before this morning, it was a naturally generated small pulse, even if it was taken in that time, these ghosts were naturally attracted by the pulse and were only attracted by it.
It is said that the ghost pulse has such a characteristic that ghosts are attracted by the pulse, and finally the pulse is combined together, and it is still like this in the morning. It is probably because "changing the Yang Town Yin Array" is extremely rare from ancient times to modern times, and even the Imperial Divine Sect has recorded several ancient arrays like this, but even if it has passed for a long time, I am afraid the ghosts in it will be wiped out by the array, and this array will automatically stop running and eventually disappear after the ghosts disappear.
You have to study carefully if you can find such a spiritual array in the morning, otherwise you will be sorry!
The data of the Imperial Gods Sect really helped Tianchen a lot. Although Tianchen has also studied several small arrays that can be combined with magic, it is not too difficult to think of a small mouth and let out some ghosts in just a few hours with the help of the data. Although it is impossible for Tianchen to pose the same array.
"Interesting! Gee, I didn’t expect there to be so many ghosts in the face, but there are very few ghosts! "
I found the knack, and in the morning, I realized that the spirit pulse array was really shocked by the face-to-face scene. I didn’t expect that this array had been running for many years, and besides the ghosts of the Five Ghosts, there were still thousands of ghosts. I really don’t know how big the magic power of this array was in those days, but it actually lived to the present!
You know, the "Yin Array in Huanyang Town" can be earned by the Imperial God Sect, and it is also called the Eternal Spirit Array. That’s not a joke. It took hours to find this array, but it was the Imperial God Sect that broke the array. You can imagine the magic of this array.
What’s more, according to the calculation of the morning, this spirit array has been running for less than 300 years for a long time, but there are still thousands of ghosts in this way. Can you see that these ghosts were as fierce and tenacious as before? Unlike the Five Ghosts, dozens of ghosts happened to be suppressed at the exit, even if the imp was nourished by the daily pure Yin and Yang and the spirit pulse, it would be enough to save his life. That’s not so lucky. Even the ghost king can’t afford to spend a hundred years every day, and when the array stops working, the lucky imp at the exit will be directly destroyed by the array without his ghosts!
What makes the morning even more amazing is that these ghosts actually feel that their gods are not ordinary ghosts. It seems that the yin and cold are full of yang and the five spirits are different from the suppressed outermost export ghosts. The more ghosts are suppressed, the more they find that the body is full of yang and the most shadows are even the morning. However, they can feel that they are already living people. Because of the feeling, they are not only full of yang, but also a little angry.
So we can see the magic of this "changing Yang Town Yin Array"!
Chapter seventy Accused of ghost training ghost
Chapter seventy Accused of ghost training ghost
"It’s a pity that I am difficult to control!" Although I was amazed at how many ghosts were suppressed by the law in the past, Tianchen was not overreaching, and the ghost king was a few who couldn’t even see the shadow of strength in Tianchen. Ghosts were definitely beyond their control!
I’m afraid even if I want to let it out, I don’t have the guts now. Who knows if something goes wrong at the beginning of the spiritual pulse, which leads to the collapse of the law? I can’t afford to let out thousands of spectres in the morning. Although I feel that the more I face, the more I feel, the more I am full of yang. But after all, it is ghosts, especially "changing the Yang Town Yin Array" to suppress ghosts’ wrongful death and bend the dead. No one can guarantee what will happen if I accidentally let them out!
However, although I dare not let these ghosts out for the time being, I am becoming more and more interested in this spiritual pulse because of repression. Maybe what big secrets are hidden in it?
"It seems that I have to go back and ask the five spirits. Surely they should know something? It was careless of me not to ask them about it! Who knows what important information would have been missed if I hadn’t come to explore this spiritual vein? " I think about people in my heart, but I’m already walking towards the outside. There are too many ghosts here. It’s more tempting for me, but now I have to give up temporarily, which makes me reluctant to go. This pace is really slower than …
(It’s about to reveal a shocking secret! Hey hey … But there are so many ghosts and pigs, and there is nothing to panic about. It seems that the nerves are a little big …)
"By the way, I’m really confused. I can’t move inside like this. There are more than a dozen kids on the other side!" I just want to beat my head and scold myself for not having enough concentration. I was scared by this prison and broken spirit array. What’s in it? It’s a great demon.
My heart is a little fixed. I immediately turned around in the morning, and I immediately turned around and ran a trace of pure spiritual force. I was immediately compressed by the morning and pulled out my finger from the imperial spiritual interest to the outlet of the spiritual pulse. I immediately flew slowly to the outlet of the spiritual pulse and circled several times in a very mysterious way.
This is the only simple way to crack this ancient and modern strange array. Although it can’t completely enlighten the spirit array to release the suppressed ghosts, more than a dozen kids at the exit are easily liberated.
As soon as the psychic force has bypassed the original and recovered to its original state, a small blue aperture is opened immediately. After the aperture appears, the evil wind is immediately big, and the whole park is shrouded in this cold and yin.
Dark anger cold "hum" in the morning. I didn’t expect that dozens of kids who didn’t even have the strength of ghosts would just come out and want to harm people. It’s a death wish!
In the morning, the Imperial Breath will run again, and a ghost-controlling tactic will be released immediately. More than a dozen imps will have come out from the blue aperture department of the spiritual pulse export, enveloped in a spiritual force of the Imperial Breath.