
She nasty "LengRuiXi this is my thing! Give it back to me! "

Facing her, he ran away flexibly. "Show me what this is!"
Leng Ruixi has picked up that thing and looked at it. It is said that those blue eyes have shrunk to the extreme …
Avoid, get pregnant and take medicine!
Han Yiqing stood on tiptoe and then pulled it out of his hand and put it by the bed.
"Han Yiqing, you’d better give me an explanation"
Explain? What explanation?
"Did you take measures last night?"
What measures does Leng Ruixi need to take when he remembers this kind of thing? !
"I can take medicine if you don’t take measures" is completely blocked. All Leng Ruixi has to say is …
I don’t know why he seems to have accumulated a sigh of relief in his chest, and he feels that a stone is pressing on his chest, making it impossible for him to catch his breath …
This feeling is really strange!
Yes, he really wants to pinch her by the neck and ask, are you so unwilling to come with me? !
He didn’t have such a problem after all
"Give me the medicine."
"I can’t give it to you," she said firmly. There was never a firm light in her eyes as if she had never been firm in this matter …
Because Han Yiqing knows that if she has a baby in her stomach, then the two of them can’t clean it up …
It can be like this now.
"I said give it to me," he said, still overbearing, and then grabbed the medicine regardless of her resistance. "It’s really stupid to say that you are stupid! Don’t you know that this medicine is very harmful to your health? "
Han Yiqing was angry at her. I didn’t expect it to be her … There seems to be the softest place in my heart that was deeply touched.
Can’t, can’t, can’t! Han Yiqing, how can you sink at this time … If you go like this, she will have no way to leave!
Leng Ruixi almost put the medicine in his pocket and then took a look at her and continued to say, "Give me all your mobile phone, bank card and cash."
Han Yiqing didn’t know what he was going to do. At this time, she was still silent as if everything was at the mercy of Leng Ruixi.
"Give it to me." His hand was already in front of her, and she was stunned for several seconds, but she still reflected that she came over and took out all her belongings from her bag and gave it to him.
Han Yiqing didn’t know that he would never have a chance to let her buy medicine!
Her rare obedience really made Leng Ruixi not think that he always felt that she was too calm and calm to make him afraid …
He put away everything and then took off his clothes. Han Yiqing lay stunned in her bed.
"LengRuiXi you go out"
"Why let me out?"
"I’m going to bed"
"Yeah, I see." He was still lying on her bed with a cup.