
Four men in a broken house are very heroic, and one of them is an army. This fellow has a short stature, a pair of small eyes, a pair of big ears, and a face of parents’ death. Together, these organs are a very wretched uncle.

"Army boss, you always say that those ordinary poor girls are tired of playing and have no taste at all. I heard that Jin Pingfu, the richest man in Zheng Ancheng, has a daughter who is as bright as a peach and has a very hot temper. Isn’t that your dish? How dare you give that girl? "A man who is also quite free to follow his inclinations said with a smile.
The army slammed the jars on the table and said, "Let your mother steal Chinese fart. There is always a girl who dare not touch it. I tell you, I have already stepped on it. If that girl dares to go out, she will never escape from the palm of an old hand."
"Then let’s bet that I bet 10 thousand gold that you won’t succeed."
"I bet 50 thousand gold."
"I bet you 30 thousand dollars that if you can give Jin Pingfu’s daughter, remember to give it to us before you kill it."
The soldier said with a smile, "Get the money ready and wash it. You go to the brothel to have fun and dirty things every day."
Feng Yang returned to Jinfu in the evening. When Feng Yang had a squat, he hesitated for a moment whether to pee or shit first. He still thought it was better to take off his pants first.
Last night, he did such a thing that people and gods were angry. He himself was a loyal bodyguard with morality, integrity, responsibility, heart and love. However, Jin Shan, the client, knew exactly what happened last night. When the time came, Jin Shan was hot-tempered, regardless of the seven or twenty-two. Didn’t she become an inside job pervert from a loyal bodyguard with morality and integrity?
Now the wind is blowing, and I have hesitated to consider this matter at the gate. I haven’t decided yet. I was indecisive for the first time, like a woman. In the end, he decided to find the target first. He suspected that it was already a sinister sight, and it was a chill.
"King egg, you live for me and take another step. I’ll castrate you!"
The wind Yang turned around and took the first step. When the second step was lifted, there was a crisp jiao who came from behind.
The wind lifted his left leg and stopped like that. The whole body stood still as if it had been struck by lightning.
For the first time, Feng Yang felt that Yuan’s soul force was too strong, so that he could clearly feel that Jinshan came up behind him with a fierce murderous look step by step, just like a dark cloud pressing the city. His heart thumped, and his reputation for life would be over.
Jin Shan walked to the front of Feng Yang and looked at Feng Yang with her head. "Are you crazy to pose in this weird position? It’s ugly."
"Miss Kim" has a wry smile.
"hmm?" Jinshan cold hum a.
"Oh, I forgot that the beautiful girl who stole the soul from her youth didn’t you say you would castrate me one more step? How dare I move?" Feng Yang wry smile way.
"Idiot has no masculinity and domineering. How could my dad choose someone like you as my bodyguard?" Jin Shan was disappointed and said
"Your father said that he thought people like me were reliable." Feng Yang said in a haha
"Come on" Jin Shan stared at the wind and said, "What’s going on in my room? Please explain it reliably."
"Don’t you know that? It’s hard to say that in public." Feng Yang looked at Jin Shan and thought that this girl is really tough. Don’t I have to reiterate that kind of thing to let everyone know? Doesn’t she care about her name at all?
Jin Shan didn’t good the spirit say "nonsense, if I know, will I ask you? I remember taking a bath last night and then waking up to find my other room and my room was in ruins. "
Feng Yang suddenly felt relieved, surprised and suspicious, and stared at Jin Shan. She had a dispute in her heart. It seems that when she was stimulated, she would change and become very strong, but when she was stimulated, things changed without memory. Maybe Jin Shan was already in a state of consciousness and was controlled by a special energy.
Want to know this, the wind blows, and I suddenly feel sunny. Although it is already evening, Wan Li still can’t stop him from enjoying the night as if it were day.
"You don’t know how dangerous it was last night. When you took a shower, someone suddenly broke into your room and tried to do something bad to you. At that time, I just arrived to fight with adults for hundreds of rounds and beat your room to pieces. But don’t worry, I was honest and didn’t peek at you. Later, I kindly helped you dress." Feng Yang’s nonsense has reached a considerable level. Hu said that it was as smooth and coherent as stating the facts
"Then I’m not seen by you?" Jin Shan looked at the wind with a look of wanting to kill.
The wind spread its hand. "I’ll let you see it back."
"Go to hell" Jin Shan amorous feelings took a white wind Yang immediately awkward and some sweetly.
Feng Yang was so surprised that it was terrible for the girl to wriggle, but he still planned to go out for a walk now, so Jin Shan followed him and kept a tangled look.
“ ` ` w w w
A moment later, Jin Shan suddenly asked, "Do you think mine looks good?"
"Which one?" The wind Yang walked in front of the doubt to see Jin Shan.
"That’s it."
"How can I know if you don’t tell me which one it is?"
"Burst" walked in front of the wind, and suddenly his feet went soft and burst into a hard climb. I couldn’t believe it. I looked at Jin Shan.
This is a very strange picture, and this is also a very incompetent bodyguard who should go ahead of the target he wants to protect.