
"How can Xiao Shi go with Miss Zhao Da?"

"Zhao Yulong likes Xiao Shiyi, but when she comes straight, she is chasing Xiao Shiyi. Maybe the master was moved by Zhao Yulong, but the big miss Zhao is both talented and handsome. The two of them are a match made in heaven."
Girls, Master Shi appeared … Ho ho!
Chapter 6 Never give in
Full of beautiful things in front of the porch, everyone talked in succession and said it was very lively.
Su Wan was happy to watch the scene of bustle, but when she heard that the bearer was Xiao Huang of Jing Wangfu, she was not willing to stay. She immediately turned around and wanted to go into Linluoxuan to buy things, but she happened to see a beautiful and charming curtain of the carriage in the Prime Minister’s office, showing that the skin in front of everyone was frozen and the eyebrows were crescent-shaped, and if the stars were smiling, it would be like saying no to dispatch people at night, and a smile on the moon would affect other people’s thoughts.
Zhao Yulong, the prime minister’s mansion, is indeed a beauty. She is beautiful and Miss Anguo Houfu Su Yuemei is different from herself. A bright moon and a gorgeous peach and plum are like two different scenery. However, these two women are really beautiful. No wonder they will become two beautiful in Shengjing.
Su Wan admired Zhao Yulong’s beautiful eyes, which seemed to be filled with a river of autumn water, and looked at the gentle voice of the Jing Wangfu carriage next to him.
"Jing Wangshi, I want to buy a jade article in Linlang Xuan. Can Jing Wangshi wait for me?"
Beauty’s words are euphemistic and light, just like jade beads falling on a jade plate, which is hard to refuse.
However, the man in Jing Wangfu carriage picked a long thick eyebrow, dark pupil, dizzy eyes and a little cold mountain, sexy and moist lips, and hooked up a sarcastic smile. He stretched out a slender hand and gently provoked the carriage brocade curtain, and a delicate double face was displayed in front of everyone.
How many boudoir beauties outside the carriage blushed and their hearts beat? Jing Wangshi looks really beautiful. The elegant charm of xiao yue in the sky is really something that people want to worship but are afraid to annoy him.
It’s a pity that these people gawk at Su Wan but don’t want to stay because she is a little guilty when she sees this guy. But if she really wants to see this guy for a generation, she can save herself from doing things when he finds out that Xiao Huang lifted the car curtain. Su Wan turned around and walked away without hesitation.
However, because everyone was still, she unequivocally turned and walked towards the beautiful porch, which was particularly abrupt. Xiao Huang saw her eyes at a glance, and at the same time, her mouth slowly outlined a smile and gently said, "Come here, silly."
Sue wan’s feet turned pale, but she wouldn’t be stupid enough to admit that she was the little fool, and she went straight to Linluoxuan without stopping.
However, after she took a few steps, there was a rustling wind and a black figure floated behind her and stopped Su Wan.
This man is Xiao Huang’s hand confidant Yu Ge Yu Ge’s face is indifferent, and wearing a black brocade, the whole person looks like a big ice cube, and the sound is cold.
"My family called you."
Su Wan stepped back and looked at this guy with faint eyes. "Who is your family?"
She turned to look around and then looked at the carriage in the Jing Wang Shi Xiao Huang corners of the mouth smile more and more strong "ah beauty elder sister is you call me? But I’m not a little silly. "
All the people around looked at Xiao Huang in the carriage in one breath. All of them thought that Sue’s family was really stupid and dared to call Xiao Shimei’s sister in public. This point is that Xiao Shi didn’t kill her because of her stupid reason. Xiao Shi is not worth arguing with a stupid person. Can she be so lucky every time?
In the carriage, Xiao Huang’s body is cold and slowly dizzy, which seems to be solidified. Generally, he feels that the whole body is cold as winter comes, and he can’t help shivering. But those who lean against the carriage at random have a shallow smile on their lips. That face melts into the sun like a beautiful painting, but it is easy to see that the smile on men’s lips is so faint and cold in cool thin’s cold eyes.
It seems that this stupidity is going to be unlucky. Many people in the crowd gloat and deserve to die early, so as not to harm others.
Xiao Huang’s cold low magnetic voice rang again. "Come here. I hope I don’t have to say it again."
He’s not that patient
In fact, Su Wan can’t get over it, but she has seen that this man has made a move, and she is not stupid enough to challenge him. The bottom line is that she has never acted at a loss, but her mouth has not suffered at all, and she kept talking as she walked to the front of the carriage.
"Sister Beauty, if you have something to say, I have to buy something. I’m not with you."
Xiao Huang’s delicate and gorgeous face is cold for two points again. The dark pupil eyes are like a cold star, staring at the cold current in Su Wan’s pupil eyes. If another person is afraid, he will be too scared to say it, but Su Wan is not afraid to say it.
"Sister Beauty, your face is so ugly. Are you going to see a doctor when you are sick? What are you going to do when you are out shopping? Aren’t you afraid that you will not come to bed after you get more sick?"
"Are you cursing the world to death?"
Xiao Huang’s dark, cold and windy sound made the eyes more and more dull, as if there was a huge ice net covering Su Wan Rao. Was Su Wan’s mind strong enough or did she feel a little uneasy? She slowly looked up and saw Xiao Huang’s eyes flashing and bloodthirsty ShaQi slowly stretched out a slender jade hand and gently shook it up, but her words were surprisingly gentle.