
Now Zhuo Qiang didn’t think he wanted to go to sea quickly, but he just got home and received Zhang Junjie words.

In Zhang Junjie’s words, he was both excited and worried that he had more than twenty brothers in one day. He couldn’t pull it out and now he took the initiative to come over. This is the credit of the mysterious man last night
On the other hand, Hu Yonghua seems to feel threatened. According to the gossip, he is likely to attack Zhang Junjie, because he predicted that Zhang Junjie’s goal is not just a small west street!
Zhuo Qiang didn’t expect Hu Yonghua to lose his temper so soon. It’s very puzzling that Hu Yonghua has been very calm from what he heard about Hu Yonghua.
But he did this is also a seasoned road. Of course, Zhuo Qiang will not let him threaten Zhang Junjie. He made an instruction to Zhang Junjie.
He first asked Zhang Junjie how many chances he would get Nanxi’s position if Hu Yonghua died suddenly.
Zhang Junjie hesitated for a moment, saying that if there is strong support, 70% may get the first place in Nanxi.
According to his reality, it is almost impossible to get the top position in Nanxi organization.
But with the help of the mysterious person around Zhuo Qiang, this possibility is limited and amplified.
Come and go, kill people, take the head in the array of ten thousand people, and with the help of this kind of master, anyone has to avoid three points
No boss will lose territory and throw away his head.
Even if we can secretly kill Zhang Junjie, who can guarantee that there will be no bloody revenge for killing God behind his back?
With this, Zhang Junjie’s natural confidence soared, and he seemed to see that he had taken the lead in Nanxi, pointing out that Nanxi was a great mountain and river.
Once upon a time, Hu Yonghua was like Mount Tai in his mind, but now it is possible for him to take its place. This is a pleasure.
Zhuo Qiang listened to Zhang Junjie and asked, "Where does Hu Yonghua often stay at night? He won’t be alive again after two o’clock tonight!"
Zhang Junjie heard Zhuo Qiang talking to Hu Yonghua again. He was so excited that he spoke intermittently. "He sometimes lives on the east side of the fifth floor of Building 3, Unit 2, in Qingfengyuan Community, and sometimes lives on the west side of the top floor of Unit 3, Building 1, Bishuixuan Community in his mistress’s house …"
Zhuo Qiang didn’t expect this Hu Yonghua to be so troublesome that he asked Zhang Junjie to stop looking for a pen and paper and asked Zhang Junjie to say it again.
This Zhang Junjie snooping is really clear! However, many of the hundreds of brothers in Hu Yonghua must know the real situation of Hu Yonghua, and it is not difficult to know the law of his life.
"You still tell the news to your good brothers as you did last time, and let the talkative ghost let the wind out. Don’t let it out too early this time to prevent him from escaping from you. Just tell the news around twelve o’clock, so that the ghost will be the first to take him out to bully you when you are firmly in the top position of Nanxi, okay?" Zhuo Qiang has become a commanding officer and reached an order to Zhang Junjie.
Zhang Junjie didn’t feel wrong with Zhuo Qiang’s half-advice and half-command tone. Now all this was originally given by Zhuo Qiang. If there was no help from Zhuo Qiang, now he was still in the hands of others. A small punk mixed two or three thousand dollars a month and always borrowed money everywhere before the end of the month.
Zhuo Qiang’s money comes quickly and is strong. It is only natural that an iron friend like a hand should be his own boss.
Didn’t he call somebody else’s boss like this every day? At that time, I had to call the boss to lead a hundred brothers, and I had to call the boss to bring ten brothers. Now I will have a boss soon, and that is Zhuo Qiang, an iron buddy.
By that time, all gangsters in Nanxi will have to call themselves the boss. I don’t know how many times the scenery is!
New support from friends-69 new boss
Hu Yongnian has rarely encountered a crisis in these years, but now he feels the crisis.
Zhang Junjie, who has just shown his edge, is like a fishbone stuck in his throat, which makes him sleepless.
Since Mr. Bai left without saying goodbye, the sudden eruption of violent gas accumulated for many years has made him lose his steady temperament for many years.
A wave of unrest has caused him to lose his former demeanor, and then another Zhang Junjie emerged, which directly threatened his position. How can he sit still!
He is not Xu Huaili, nor is he timid and afraid of death. He has built a long-term foundation in Nanxi at the expense of a new and old collision in Zhang Junjie.
The winner is the king who has gone through many storms. Hu Yonghua defaulted to the ideal and replaced it by luck. That really needs to show some real ability