
Luo Wei didn’t even have time to react, so he was directly hit and then blew away!

Just when the giant wanted to pursue the victory and obliterate the provocateur in one fell swoop, more than a dozen vast and endless breaths of terror instantly crossed the boundaries of time and space, directly suppressing them, and then, the will close to 3,000 followed, coming across the border.
Although the will of the Almighty, which is close to 3,000, is not as strong as the previous ten breath, it is far less than any one of them, but …
When many innate powers in the wild join hands, the power exerted is enough to make anyone move!
The first day fiend’s collective hand represents …
The last moment of robbery has finally arrived! (To be continued. . )

Chapter one hundred and sixty-eight Severe
Ps: Hehe, 4,000 words was originally intended to be added to 5,000 to make up for yesterday’s, but it’s too late now …
At this point, the whole world, filled with two distinct, but equally vast boundless breath, the two strands of breath is divided into two camps, hard hit together!
"Ha ha ha, you are all here, just once, and you will all be solved!"
With endless ripples of laughter, endless sound waves mingled with the giant’s infinite power, shaking the vanity of the world, and even directly offsetting the vast and endless trend brought about by the three thousand innate powers …
The power of giants is so terrible!
Vast and boundless, as the only one in endless space-time, suppressing the universe, the breath of endless years, the arrogance and unparalleled momentum, and the unbridled venting like the roof of the sky, the giant’s eyes are shining with incomparable brilliance, like a little light in the evening …
The giant wanted to take the lead in subduing everything in the universe directly under his feet with an extremely crazy momentum. It’s huge, and Lao Tzu is the biggest!
All sentient beings in the world are the first gods?
Although the giant didn’t say so, the inner idea was so naked and naked that it declared its absolute will!
"hey! Frogs at the bottom of the well regard us as ants, but they don’t know that they are also ants! "
Sitting on the starry sky, Ziwei revealed a mocking smile at her mouth. "The gods listen to orders and form a large array of stars!"
"Yes, Ziwei Star Master!"
Belonging to the congenital star god of endless starry sky, the simultaneous voice should be, the vast battle hymn is commanded by Ziwei, and the endless starlight falls.
The lunar galaxy headed by the lunar star, the solar galaxy headed by the etheric star, and the northern star god headed by the northern star field …
Directly take Ziwei’s star path as the core, directly summon the original star power, and form a large array of stars!
No matter how many forces the innate star god is divided into. But Ziwei, who created the star road, is a well-deserved leader!
At the same time, the sky also ordered the formation of a large array of days, which directly combined with the large array of stars to achieve the starry sky, and it is also one of the most powerful arrays in the whole universe-the large array of stars on Sunday!
The power of the large array of stars on Sunday is extremely terrible, which is the perfect embodiment of the interpretation of the way of stars on Sunday to the extreme.
It contains the complete way of stars and the way of heaven, which can inspire the unparalleled trend of the whole starry sky.
Even in the starry sky, as long as the whole understanding of the large array of stars on Sunday is complete, it is enough to reach the sky in one step. Cross countless steps, stand directly on the top of the real world, and compete with the supreme ancestor!
"Unfortunately, this large array is incomplete!"
Many congenital star gods and congenital gods feel that at this time, the endless power of heaven and earth gathers, but at this time, the heart sighs, "If it is complete, no, as long as there is half of the power of the whole large array of stars on Sunday. It is enough! "
At this time, there are many stars and gods in the starry sky, and the stars and small world they control occupy only a small corner of the whole starry sky.
It’s an exaggeration to say it’s a drop in the ocean. But it will never exceed one in ten million!
"All my companions in the nether world, listen to my command and form a large array of nine secluded towns!"
After the earth steps on the earth, infinite divine light follows. The boundless Houtu Avenue has evolved to the extreme. Looking at the giant raging in front, Houtu is equally fearless. She is backed by the whole nether world and is not afraid of anyone!
"Yes, it’s been a great honour!"
Many great powers in the nether world also respond to clear voice, and the reputation of Been in the nether world exceeds that of Ziwei and Heaven in the starry sky, and the whole nether world can not be divided into two parts, and the degree of power cohesion is still above the gods in the starry sky!
The same large array of the earth rose on the Houdi side, and the incomparable tunnel power evolved. Although at this time, the large array of Jiuyou Tongming Town without reincarnation is inferior to the large array of the stars on Sunday, but at this time, its displayed power is no less than that of the large array of the stars on Sunday!
Compared with many of my colleagues in the other two circles, the performance of the first celestial fiend above the vast land is somewhat inferior.
Because, in fact, although the strength of the first celestial fiend in the universe is the most powerful, it actually has its weakness-there is no large array of town boundaries!
The vast land is divided into large areas, and the strength is directly dispersed. Therefore, at this time, they are fragmented and unsystematic.
The great power above the vast land has its own methods, which can play a role, but it is no less than them. The greatest feature of the monks above the vast land is that there are many strong people!
I saw that Fuxi directly convened seven top fiends, sixty-four top median fiends and 512 innate talents in the later period of pick-up, and formed a celestial eight diagrams array!
As for the rest of the top fiends who are idle, such as Luo Wei, Silent, Zixiao and Aurora, not to be outdone, they directly called the rest of the great powers, and also formed a general battle array such as a big five-line array. Many great powers joined forces to play a great magical power.
"Ha, ha, ha, do you think you can beat me by forming a large array?"
"Now I am truly supreme and invincible!"
The giant laughed, and thunderous laughter echoed between endless heaven and earth.
At this time, many great powers present can feel the arrogance, disdain, hatred and … carefree in the giant’s heart!
Giant, but hundreds of mixed yuan power, display the taboo magic secret, with all their own mana, yuan god and road cast, this can achieve such a powerful giant.
How terrible it is to be able to cross the ranks after many mixed elements have joined forces?
However, they also paid a heavy price-lost themselves!
Since then, there have been no hundreds of great powers, only giants with mixed yuan and big series!